Musings and Mischief

Hela, Our Lady of Relief
Lady Hela is a Death Goddess, but not one whose realm is restricted to death itself. She is a potent figure that calls to many, but how do we work...
Hela, Our Lady of Relief
Lady Hela is a Death Goddess, but not one whose realm is restricted to death itself. She is a potent figure that calls to many, but how do we work...

On Loki, Ragnarok, and Necessity
The tale of Loki and Ragnarok is one of the most famous that our beloved trickster god features in, and it’s one that’s highly debated by those who work with...
On Loki, Ragnarok, and Necessity
The tale of Loki and Ragnarok is one of the most famous that our beloved trickster god features in, and it’s one that’s highly debated by those who work with...

Introduction to Fortuna
Fortuna is the Roman goddess of Luck and Fate. She is often depicted with a blindfold, representing how good luck doesn’t strike where mortals would expect. She cradles a cornucopia...
Introduction to Fortuna
Fortuna is the Roman goddess of Luck and Fate. She is often depicted with a blindfold, representing how good luck doesn’t strike where mortals would expect. She cradles a cornucopia...

Samhain Collection 2024
Welcome to the Catalogue for our Samhain Collection for 2024. Below, you will find descriptions for each of our new offerings, as well as insight into each of their components. This Collection...
Samhain Collection 2024
Welcome to the Catalogue for our Samhain Collection for 2024. Below, you will find descriptions for each of our new offerings, as well as insight into each of their components. This Collection...

Intro to Il Malocchio (The Evil Eye): Gestures ...
It’s the depths of summer: the time to show off, strut your stuff, and shrug off the shackles of shamelessness. The mindset of Hot Goddex Summer settles around us like...
Intro to Il Malocchio (The Evil Eye): Gestures ...
It’s the depths of summer: the time to show off, strut your stuff, and shrug off the shackles of shamelessness. The mindset of Hot Goddex Summer settles around us like...

The Last Laugh Collection Catalogue
Our Last Laugh Collection is handcrafted under the auspices of Dionysos Lysios, the Liberator from Suffering and Releaser of Shackles. It includes amulets, rosaries, ritual bath salts, and prayer cards....
The Last Laugh Collection Catalogue
Our Last Laugh Collection is handcrafted under the auspices of Dionysos Lysios, the Liberator from Suffering and Releaser of Shackles. It includes amulets, rosaries, ritual bath salts, and prayer cards....