Rune Readings by Trickster's Apothecary
Rune Readings:
Rune readings can be performed in as many ways as there are readers. At the Trickster’s Apothecary, our rune readings are thrown in our Casting Box, hand painted with a Cosmic Map of symbolism that provides additional clarity. Where each rune lands on the Map is factored into your reading, as well as each one's proximity to nearby runes and whether each lands face up or face down. In the same way that a tarot spread informs how each card is read, these factors add insight and depth to each rune cast.
This style of rune-casting was developed by your rune reader here at the Trickster's Apothecary, Robin (he/they), who has been reading runes for 8 years and professionally for 1 year. They also offer bones and tarot readings, with bones-throwing readings similarly done in their Casting Box.
Readings with Robin are available over Zoom or in-person at local PNW metaphysical shops we work with, such as Observer's Rock Shop and Bookstore in Albany, OR.
Readings are charged by length of timeslot as follows:
- 15 minute reading: $15
- 20 minute reading: $20
- +10 minute clarifying pulls: $10
- Readings can only be extended by a total of 20 minutes
Our basic readings are 15-20 minutes. If you've never had a professional reading before, we recommend booking a 20 minute time slot to allow ample time to answer any questions you have and ensure your comfort with the process. We ask that when you book you share whether you prefer runes, tarot, or bones for your reading. Whatever you select, Robin will begin with sharing a bit about how they perform readings with that method. The first 5 or so minutes will be spent answering any questions you may have about your reading method so you feel comfortable, prepared, and relaxed before proceeding. During these first 5 minutes, Robin will also work with you to find the question or concern you'd like insight into. This may be broad, such as asking if there are any messages or advice from spirits or deities that may come through. It may be something specific but hard to pinpoint: Robin will work together with you to find the heart of the concern you'd like to delve into.
After this point, Robin will select a deck or rune set from the ones they have available. Each has their own personality and area of expertise; the set read with will be chosen for the wisdom it has in your area of concern. From there, Robin will spend a quiet moment shuffling cards, runes, or bones before casting them and reading for you.
When casting runes and bones, Robin will reach into his tossing bag and pull out as many runes/bones as the spirits guide into his hand before casting them. Tarot readings begin with a three card spread. In all cases, Robin will end your reading by confirming that it feels complete. If you still have questions, you have the option to add 10 more minutes for another pull (or expand your tarot spread to 5 cards). If, after this pull, you still have more questions, Robin can pull a third and final time for additional clarity (tarot spread will extend to 9 cards).
Together, let’s look at what patterns are being woven into the tapestry of your Fate 🔮
Introductions to Robin's Runes:
When receiving a rune reading with Robin, he'll speak with you about the nature of the concern you'd like to delve into. Based on the topic, they'll select one of the following rune sets. Each has its own personality and area of expertise. The set whose area of expertise best overlaps with your concern will be chosen for your reading. Here are brief introductions to each set if you'd like to learn more about each one before your reading.
Primordial Well:
Our Primordial Well rune set includes flat tiles of pale, translucent blue Opal etched in gold. It is deeply tied to the Waters of Fate, such as the Well of Urd sacred to the Nornir and Fortuna’s Rudder, steering a course through Fate’s Waters. As Fate touches all aspects of our lives, these runes are comfortable peering into most any matter.
While we have had no complications reaching different spirits with this set, Norse or otherwise, it has a special fondness for deities and spirits of Fate and the Primordial Waters. These runes are also comfortable and familiar with contacting no spirit at all, instead gazing directly into Fate itself.
Riptide Shelter:
Our Riptide Shelter rune set is made from shells collected by your local trickster spirits that have been hand painted in gold. These runes, beloved of the goddess Ran and her daughters, are tied to the Ocean and its Dangers–to deep, dark waters, Death, riptides, and the Primordial Waters of Chaos. These are runes closely tied to the Cosmic, the realm of Utgard, Chaos, and a Healing that can only be found Beyond the Bounds of what is comfortable. The runes are nestled inside each shell, safe and guarded against being buffeted by dangerous waters on one side, and exposed to the elements on the other, as that which is completely guarded cannot be reached. These runes do not shy away from heavy topics that leave deep wounds; they know that the deepest wounds must be examined, cleaned, and tended to heal, no matter how scary they are to approach.
Our Riptide Shelter runes show a preference for reaching deities and spirits of Death, Healing, and Chaos of any pantheon. They are fond of psychopomps, dark deities, mother/father deities, and spirits unafraid of tending Rot to Heal.
Heart’s Hearth:
Our Heart’s Hearth rune set is made of rounded rose quartz tiles, etched with glittering gold. These runes, beloved of Aphrodite and the Rose spirit, are tied to matters of the Heart, both Beautiful and Monstrous. They are tied to the Hearth and Home, the realm of Midgard, Life, Love, and the Internal. Matters of the Heart can be messy, as Hurt and Love often travel hand in hand. These runes are gentle and understanding, hoping to ease the Heart’s hurt so it may open itself to Love and healing deep wounds. They have a fondness for helping people love themselves and others, as well as finding a path to both empathy and self-love. Like any Rose, they also help to teach setting healthy boundaries, and when one need not apologize for growing thorns for their own safety.
Our Heart’s Hearth runes connect easily with deities and spirits of Love, Healing, Life, and Self-Worth of any pantheon. They are particularly fond of spirits with a visceral understanding of both the Love and Pain of Life, as well as those who guide growth and spiritual evolution.
Fey Coin’s Edge:
Our Fey Coin’s Edge rune set is lovingly handmade, featuring moss collected by your local trickster spirits on a deeply meaningful trip and glitter reminiscent of stardust, with the rune itself painted gold. They were crafted for the Fae, who we have experienced as trickster spirits, often tied to the natural world in some way, who can be found in many cosmologies across the globe. These runes offer a holistic view of matters, seeing equal value in both Light and Dark regardless of Society’s norms, as both are necessary for the cycle of Death and Rebirth. They show a special fondness for moments of transition and change, the Liminal, and guiding one through Death to Rebirth. These runes reveal a fey path, a Trickster’s path through change, rejecting strict boundaries and revealing a path to what you Need, rather than what you Want (or have been told to want). When neither side of the Coin of Life and Death appeal, they reveal the third Path: dancing along the Edge of the Coin.
They favor contact with the Fae themselves from any cosmology, but are comfortable contacting deities and spirits linked with Life, Death, Growth, Decay, Rebirth, and Transformation. As these runes see the world in a very fey manner, they do not always understand humanity’s version of gentleness. Instead, they assist quick passage through periods of Death into Rebirth, and sometimes, this can be like ripping off a bandage: it may sting, but the pain is over quickly.
Liminal Looking Glass:
Our Liminal Looking Glass rune set is made from polished clear quartz etched in gold; they are not quite spheres, showing an uneven surface that refuses to apologize for the imperfections that make each stone unique. Beloved by Loki, these runes are deeply fond of the ephemeral that thrives in the spaces between the physical. They love delving into that which is felt and experienced but cannot be grasped: transformation, communication, emotion, understanding, and the liminal spaces they thrive in. They are masters of insight, gazing through a clear Looking Glass into the heart of an issue and quickly spotting the one facet your subconscious did not want to acknowledge. They care deeply for the interpersonal and the ties that bind us to each other and the world around us. They are honest, sometimes brutally so; they may hold your hand as gently as they can while they deliver hard truths, but their answers often will not allow you to run from the truth, no matter how difficult it is to acknowledge. Their clear stone hides nothing and lays the facts you need to see on the table, right beneath your nose, where they cannot be ignored.
These runes show no preference for pantheon, but favor deities and spirits associated with the Liminal and Ephemeral: that which has no physical form but impacts our lives daily. They are masters of Communication, Hard Truths, and the Thoughts and Emotions that make those truths difficult.