Valentine's Collection 2024 Catalogue

Valentine's Collection 2024 Catalogue

Welcome to the Catalogue for our Valentine's Collection. Below, you will find descriptions for each of our new offerings, as well as all the details on how to ritually work with each piece. 
~ Please note that this Catalogue covers each listing series but not every variation of the offerings contained within. For example, our Vintage Eros Altar Decor series contains more items than are listed in this Catalogue. Please refer to the listings for an exhaustive list of every offering within ~

Self-Love and Shadow Work

Work with Aphrodite Anadyomene and

La Sirena (the Siren) to grow your love

for yourself, including your shadows



A set of drop earrings on gold-plated lever back hoops. A small glass pearl connects the hoop to a shimmering clay depiction of Aphrodite Anadyomene highlighted in gold
Aphrodite Anadyomene
Self-Love Jewelry
Available as either earrings or a necklace, both including golden metals, glass pearls, and a depiction of Aphrodite Anadyomene (Rising from the Sea) in shimmering polymer clay and highlighted with gold. Aphrodite rises from the sea, resplendent and acknowledged as such despite wearing no clothes, jewelry, or adornments. Though she climbs from the water with nothing, she does so with the confidence and self-love of someone who knows she is the height of beauty and needs no assistance to be gorgeous. Wear these earrings as you go about your day, and let Aphrodite sing to you of your own beauty, inside and out.
Glass pearls are included as a powerful self-love component. Pearls form when sand or grit enters the shell of a mollusk. The mollusk can't remove the irritant, so it instead transforms it. Grit that could cause wounds and therefore infection instead becomes softened to the touch and beautiful to the eye through the tender care of the mollusk that houses it. The mollusk finds a way to coexist with the grit, turning what others might call a worthless flaw into a beautiful treasure. Aphrodite teaches us how to work this magic ourselves, turning the parts of ourselves society (or our own mind) deems worthless flaws into gorgeous, shining sources of beauty. When we come to treasure our 'flaws', they can become an inner light that shines so brightly others see it when they look at us; it exudes from us in confidence, laughter, winks, and grins. Glass pearls, often demeaned for not being the 'real thing,' teach this lesson better than most. Glass is made from heated sand, just as pearls are made from sand that snuck inside a mollusk's shell. When we most sorely feel the need for help building our self-love, it can be easier to connect with the humble glass pearl than their costly natural counterpart; we may see more of ourselves in glass than pearls. Aphrodite teaches us how to wear simple glass as if they were the most expensive pearls, and how to grow the confidence to make others see the glass as the pearl's equal.
A mauve candle topped with rose petals, housed in a vintage cocktail glass with a pink glass rim
Aphrodite's Ambrosia
Self-Love Ritual Candles

Our Aphrodite’s Ambrosia ritual candles center on building a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves rooted in patience and compassion. The scent calls in the rosy, seaside Garden of Aphrodite with rose, apple, bright citrus, and the salty scent of the sea breeze. Rose reminds of our value and that we are worthy of defending, while apple calls in the sensual experience of both being and feeling beautiful. Citrus brightens dark feelings of sadness and loneliness so they may be swept away by the purifying, salty sea breeze. The wax in each is dyed to mimic cosmetics like lipsticks and rouges, called in as tools of self-beautification applied for unapologetically selfish joy. They are topped with a sprinkle of rose petals, as a reminder to feel no guilt for growing thorns to keep ourselves safe. Each is made in a vessel found second-hand, many being vintage though some are modern. These vessels were once loved before being given away or discarded when they were no longer appreciated fully. Each has been given new life, so they may be appreciated, honored, and loved once again—and in doing so, help you rediscover your own self-love. Like each vessel, the world teaches many of us that we will be discarded if we fail to hold the affection of another, but we never have to discard ourselves.

As you burn each candle, focus on your relationship with yourself, not with others. We can’t control how others may act, but we can ensure we never throw ourselves or our self-love away. Every time you light the candle, visualize lighting the Flame of Love in your own heart, burning for your sake and no one else's. Watch as the wax melts and releases the rose petals from their fixed position, so they may have freedom to move and float as they will, before settling comfortably in again once the candle is out and the wax solidifies once again. Consider ways to give yourself similar freedom to follow your whims and pursue your desires, bolstered by your own strength. Know that you can free-float safely on any wind when you trust the love you have for yourself and that you need no one to defend you: you've always had it in you to do that yourself, when you give yourself permission to. When your candle is complete, save the glass to offer libations to Aphrodite and continue to tend and grow your love for yourself. 

If you purchase the Aphrodite self-love necklaces and earrings, devoted to Aphrodite Anadyomene and available in this Valentine's Collection, these candles can be worked with to consecrate those pieces. Wrap the necklace around your candle, or set your earrings in front of it. As you light the candle, pray to Aphrodite Anadyomene to bless your new jewelry and nurture your love for yourself. If you are an animist, introduce yourself to your amulet and invite it to work with you to grow your self-love, as a mollusk grows a pearl from grit. Work with Aphrodite using the methods that suit your tradition to consecrate the amulet to help tend and grow your self-love. Some options might be passing your jewelry a safe distance above the candle to be blessed by the perfume it releases or spending time working with a mirror (black scrying mirror or silver standard). You may want to consecrate these at an existing altar you have to Aphrodite, or one set up for this purpose in a location where you can pamper yourself as part of your consecration. That may be at a boudoir to apply perfumes or cosmetics, a bathroom sink while doing a skincare routine or grooming facial hair, or other bathroom space during a relaxing bath. If working with this jewelry in a bathroom, please be mindful of any steam and humidity, as both can tarnish the jewelry. If this is your plan, consider placing the jewelry inside a jewelry box, tucking it into a medicine cabinet, or other measures to protect it from the steam before you draw your bath.


A mauve candle shaped like a Siren, hands crossed over her chest. Her typical fish tail is a spiraling shell here, with her hair flowing back over top of it, and the cotton wick rising from its center

Siren's Song Ritual Candles
For shadow work and self-love

Our Siren's Song self-love & shadow work ritual candles center on building a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves, in spite of how monstrous society might make us feel, where we become the pillars that support ourselves instead of relying on society's. These pillar candles are made with our self-love ritual candle wax, scented with rose, apple, bright citrus, and the salty scent of the sea breeze. This scent can call in Aphrodite's Garden, as in our Aphrodite's Ambrosia candles; here, it calls in the song of La Sirena. Like her entrancing music, the scent floats in on the sea mist that obscures her rocky shores. The salty fog carries the alluring promise of a seaside garden, with beautiful roses, luscious apples, and refreshing citrus, tempting hapless sailors through the mist to find a garden where there is only rocky coastlines. Each one is left unadorned without any herbs or flowers, as the only beauty La Sirena cares for is that of her song, carried by the scent. She loves all parts of her self, from her claws to her song, and refuses to hide either for the comfort of others. She will not make herself more physically beautiful for society, nor will she sacrifice her beautiful song for sailors who refuse to learn how to protect themselves, as she has.

In the hands of La Sirena, rose is a reminder that it is necessary and good to grow thorns to protect what you find beautiful about yourself. Apple is the sensuous experience of feeling beautiful by our own standards, not that of society. Citrus is the bright, uplifting laughter of La Sirena, that dares us to sing the forbidden songs that speak to our own joy, no matter how others try to silence our delight. The salty scent of the sea breeze is the mist and fog that both carries the Siren's song out to sea and hides both her and the rocky shores sailors might dash themselves upon. The color of the wax is reminiscent of cosmetics, yet takes a different meaning in the hands of La Sirena. With these candles especially, she sings of the beauty in refusing to pretty up our monstrous; the shade becomes evocative of a feeling instead. In her care, the color calls in the heat of a flush in our cheeks, feeling the sun shine through our closed eyelids, the confusing glory of the sunrise's pink rays reflected through morning mist: the simplest, selfish delights.

Society, with its narrow margins of acceptability, can make very many of us feel monstrous for things we simply have no control over: how we look, how we present ourselves, the interests that call to us, the people we love, and more. This is a feeling La Sirena is deeply familiar with, as she is held up as a terrifying monster by society. She has felt the societal evil eye cast on outsiders like her, deemed too monstrous for polite company. She has not only learned how to love herself in spite of it, but how to devour the evil eye society stares at outsiders with. She has also learned how to devour the evil eye outsiders keep in our own hearts, given to us by society that teaches us to look at ourselves as terrifying monsters. She has come to love her teeth and claws as much as her beautiful singing voice, and she can help us do the same. When society teaches us to hate and fear parts of ourself, those feelings can make it difficult to impossible to love ourselves. With the loving empathy of one who shares our experience, La Sirena unlocks the gate to self-love by teaching us to love not only the acceptable, 'beautiful' parts of ourselves, but our monstrous teeth and claws that keep us safe from those who would hurt us.

As you light these candles, ask La Sirena to devour any evil eye society has cast upon your or planted in the shadows of your heart. Visualize any internalized self-loathing given to you by society's judgments being burned away by the flame, fading to nothing but smoke and a memory. Offer negative self-talk and reflexive self-judgments to La Sirena as food to be consumed. Ask her to teach you to unapologetically adore the monstrous in you and how to love your fangs and claws without shame. Like society, disrespectful sailors refuse to sacrifice their comfort and learn to protect themselves, instead demanding that La Sirena bite her tongue and give up the joy of singing. May she teach you to never silence yourself and dim your joy for the comfort of those who refuse to think of others


The Beloved Lovers Series

In devotion to Eros & Psyche
 for a healthy, loving relationship between equals
that uplifts and supports both partners.

Sing to me, O Muse, of the Beloved Lovers, Eros & Psyche. Their romance begins with an accident, when two Lovers who have never been Loved get in over their heads. Eros is Love Itself, who gives Love to others with by striking them in the heart with his arrow. While he has always been the Lover, offering his Heart to others, he had not been the Loved until he met Psyche and pricked his own finger. Psyche herself was a flawed mortal, with all the trauma that can come with a mortal life; she, too, had only been the Lover, never the Loved. Though she gave her Heart to her family, they did not return it. When Eros the Lover met Psyche the Lover, each was only accustomed to giving of themselves and expected nothing in return. Eros did not expect his spouse to Love him enough to need to see his face, sure she'd be content with her lover hidden in shadow. Psyche did not expect her spouse to Love her enough to reveal his True Self to her, sure he'd be content knowing her without being known in return. When two people give, expecting to receive nothing, they each end up receiving more than either expect, finally experiencing being Loved; they become Eros the Loved and Psyche the Loved. Psyche's family, moved by jealousy, would rather see Psyche miserable than happy, and put fear of her husband into her heart, sowing doubt between them. They enter the Dark Night of Doubt, where fear of the unknown parts of the other hidden in shadow drive a wedge between the Beloved Lovers, dividing them again. Until the fear becomes too much, and Psyche betrays Eros by turning on the lamp, revealing his face and causing more strife. They move into more difficulties, as Psyche is put through her trials to earn back the trust she lost.

However, revealing themselves let each finally know who their Lover truly is at their core. While there was certainly an adjustment period needed to learn how they fit together as their True Selves, they could not have had an open, honest, healthy relationship with their secrets dividing them. In the end, Psyche experiences an apotheosis, elevating her to a godhood she never would have achieved without being vulnerable and honest with her partner. They suffered and toiled together, uplifting and supporting each other through the darkness, and in doing so built a stable, honest relationship between equals. Eros the Lover and Eros the Loved walk hand in harmonious hand with Psyche the Lover and Psyche the Loved. They know how to follow the path from blissful Honeymoon, through the Honest Betrayal into the Mutual Understanding and Acceptance that is the foundation for long-lasting Marriage, the harmonious union of two equals--and they are happy to teach us how to follow that same path.

This tale is told throughout this collection, which calls in the wisdom they earned in building a loving, healthy romance. Every prayer bead included in our altar kits to the Beloved Lovers, as well as our necklaces and rosaries in their honor, tells this story in the pattern of their beads. As each bead was worked and wrapped by hand, they were sung love songs and whispered the tale above. Each bead was taught what they represent in the tale as the whole piece was connected and awoken with song and prayer. 



A rosary made with rose quartz, black river stone, and real gold-dyed fresh water pearls; includes a 3D golden butterfly pendant and a cross-piece of a golden heart outline with a brass Cupid in its center
The Beloved Lovers Rosary
The Beloved Lovers rosary is handmade in devotion to Eros and Psyche for a healthy, loving relationship between equals that uplifts and supports both partners. The pattern of the beads in the rosary tell the tale of Eros and Psyche by going from the cross-piece, around the wearable portion, and back to the cross piece. Whichever side you start with begins with Eros the Lover as the 1st rose quartz bead and Psyche the Lover as the second. The third bead is Eros the Loved and the fourth is Psyche the Loved. Black river stone separates the first few sections as the Dark Night of Doubt creeps in. Black, for the shadows that hide the secrets the lovers keep from each other, and river stone, for the flowing tears caused by doubt and mistrust. In the very center of the rosary, resting at the back of the neck and the fulcrum of the Divine Couple's relationship, is the freshwater pearl. The golden pearl represents the Light of the Lamp, the illuminating betrayal that allowed them to finally see each other's True Selves. After this point, each rose quartz section now reads: Eros the Lover, Eros the Loved, Psyche the Lover, Psyche the Loved. Though there are still difficulties as they navigate Psyche's trials, represented by the black river stones after the golden pearl, they are now in Harmonious Union. The two halves of their Hearts, the Lover and the Loved, are finally united and made whole, allowing them to stand hand in harmonious hand as equals. 
In the center of the rosary is a large heart frame with a vintage brass stamping of Eros suspended in the center, in flight with his bow and arrow in hand. With movement, this cross-piece chimes like bells for a purifying and protective song when worn. Nearest to this depiction of Eros are two rose quartz beads for Eros the Lover and Eros the Loved. This moves into the Dark Night of Doubt, with two black river stone beads on either side of the golden pearl Lamp, representing Psyche's four trials. Finally, two more rose quartz beads for Psyche the Lover and Psyched the Loved lead into the pendant: a large, 3D golden butterfly with a lattice texture in the wings. The butterfly is the symbol of Psyche the Goddess, representing her final apotheosis at the end of the tale.
Wear or pray with this rosary to call in the divine Love and Wisdom of the Beloved Lovers, that they may show you the path to a harmonious, loving partnership rooted in mutual respect between equals.

A beaded necklace on gold-tone chain with a beaded section in the front with rose quartz and black river stone beads with a real gold dyed freshwater pearl in the center
The Beloved Lovers Devotional Necklace

Handmade in devotion to Eros and Psyche for a healthy, loving relationship between equals that uplifts and supports both partners. It is available in two lengths and on gold-tone stainless steel figaro chain, designed as a choker or short necklace. The beaded pattern tells the tale of Eros and Psyche. It begins with Eros the Lover, Psyche the Lover, Eros the Loved, Psyche the Loved represented by rose quartz. The Dark Night of Doubt follows, with two black river stone beads. In the center is the Lamp, represented by a real gold-dyed freshwater pearl. Two more black river stone beads follow for Psyche's 4 trials. The pattern ends with Harmonious Union, with the two halves of each Lover's heart reunited as they stand as equals: Eros the Lover, Eros the Loved, Psyche the Lover, Psyche the Loved. Wear or pray with this necklace to call in the divine Love and Wisdom of the Beloved Lovers, that they may show you the path to a harmonious, loving partnership rooted in mutual respect between equals.


Eros prayer card printed in black ink on brown craft paper 
The Beloved Lovers Prayer Card
Eros Edition

Our Beloved Lovers prayer cards are designed to pair with our Beloved Lovers prayer beads, necklaces, and rosaries. They reflect the story told in the beaded pattern; this one speaks to Eros's side of the tale and the wisdom gathered from his half of the journey. It depicts him flying on his feathered wings, bow and love arrow in hand. Recite this prayer while working with our Beloved Lovers series to share in the unique wisdom Eros earned on their journey. 



Psyche prayer card printed in black ink on brown craft paper
The Beloved Lovers Prayer Card
Psyche Edition
Our Beloved Lovers prayer cards are designed to pair with our Beloved Lovers prayer beads, necklaces, and rosaries. They reflect the story told in the beaded pattern; this one speaks to Psyche's perspective and the wisdom gathered from her side of the journey. It depicts her as a goddess, with the butterfly wings of her apotheosis and divine rays emanating from her. Recite this prayer while working with our Beloved Lovers series to share in the unique wisdom Psyche earned on their journey. 

Keychain amulet made with gold tone metals, with two golden hands holding rings. Each ring has a collection of charms attached.

La Mano dell'Amore - The Hand of Love
Amuletic Keychain or Earrings
These amulets are handmade in honor of Eros and Psyche, the Beloved Lovers. As Cupid’s hand must grip his bow tight to shoot any arrow, these amulets are built around a golden hand holding a ring. The folk magic of Italy, where Eros and Psyche were once worshipped, draws heavily on gestures made with the hands, such as la mano cornuto and la mano figa. Each charm, laden with meaning, is held secure in the Hand of Love, La Mano dell’Amore, and enlivened in the grip of the hand that cradles our hearts.

There are two versions available: Eros and Psyche
- Eros: includes a feathered wing for the wings he bears, an antiqued bronze lantern for the lamp Psyche lights so both partners may know each other truly, an brass arrow for his arrow of love, and a brass heart for his heart full of love
- Psyche: includes an antiqued bronze butterfly for the wings Psyche receives as a goddess, a prismatic glass teardrop for the tears she sheds that lead to her apotheosis, an antiqued bronze lantern for the lamp Psyche lights so both partners may know each other truly, and a brass heart for her tender mortal heart returned and elevated by divine love

They are available as a keychain or as earrings. When purchasing either the Eros or Psyche amulet individually, you will receive a keychain with one amulet or a single earring with your deity of choice per your selection. When purchasing both Eros and Psyche, you’ll receive them together on a single keychain or as a set of earrings, one for each ear to be worn as a set. When worn, movement makes the charms ring like bells: a purifying and protecting sound. As a keychain, the sound helps protect you and your space as surely as bells. As earrings, their ringing love song is sung right into your ears. They sing of a love founded in mutual respect and, when worn as amulets, help us hear when someone is speaking to us with love and respect, and recognize when that respect is lacking. Wear them as you go about your day to always remember you deserve healthy relationships rooted in respect and to recognize when people deny you that.


Porcelain box with a figure of a boy sitting among flowers on the lid, with a collection of offerings surrounding it
The Beloved Lovers Vintage Altar Box/Altar Kit
'The Beloved Lovers' altar box series is made in devotion to Eros and Psyche, for a healthy, loving relationship between equals that uplifts and supports both partners. Eros, as the divine form of Love Itself, and Psyche, a mortal with all the trauma that comes with mortality, were both Lovers used to giving of themselves but never being Loved in return. Throughout their journey, they are able to heal their respective hurts and finally be Loved as their True Selves. These deities know the path from being the ever-giving Lover to the Beloved Lover, who loves their partner with their whole heart and is loved equally in return; connect with them to share in this wisdom.

Each altar box is as unique as the relationships we make, with different capacities to contain the offerings within. Details on each individual box and what they contain will be available in the listing for these altars. Below is a list of all offerings available across our Eros & Psyche boxes.
- Bottle of skullcap and wormwood: included for Psyche, goddess of psychedelic plants, due to her association with flight
- Bottle of broom flowers: used traditionally in love divinations, sustainably foraged by your local tricksters in the PNW
- Whole Dried Rose Blossoms: dried rose blossoms, some being mature blooms before drying and others young rosebuds. Associated in Roman belief with love, death, and rebirth; it is only through the death of the image of the person Psyche and Eros imagined their lover to be when they were hidden in shadow that allowed their love to be reborn stronger and truer
- Psyche Soaring: Silver clay altar tile, depicting Psyche being lifted in the air by Zephyrus or the West Winds
- Eros Aloft: Silver Eros altar tile with bow and arrow in hand
- Psyche in Repose: Silver or Gold miniature depiction of Psyche resting in the bed she shares with her lover, hidden by shadow
- The Lovers' Meeting: a golden clay cameo depicting Psyche meeting Eros as a mortal, not yet realizing her destined apotheosis
- In Love's Hands: an Eros altar card, depicting Eros holding a blank sign: Use as a portable depiction of Eros for working with him on the go, or as part of a working. Place any supplications you have for the Beloved Lovers in Eros's hands to ensure they hear your plea by writing your heart's desire in the blank space and praying or singing your heartfelt request.
- Fearless Heart candle: a tealight made in our hand-blended self-love scent, used in our ritual candles; it is scented with rose, apple, citrus, and the salty sea breeze. Let your self-love grow like a flame burning ever brighter, that you may meet Love with a fearless heart.
- Psyche prayer card: Printed on 2x3in brown craft paper, these cards show the goddess Psyche with her butterfly wings on the front, with a prayer on the back for working with the prayer beads included in the altar.
- Eros prayer card: Printed on 2x3in brown craft paper, these cards show winged Eros in flight and bow in hand, with a prayer on the back for working with the prayer beads included in the altar.

- The Beloved Lovers prayer beads: They begin with a vintage brass stamping of a heart pierced with an arrow, for the point where Psyche and Eros fall in love. The pattern of the figaro chain flows forward to a section of 4 rose quartz beads: 4 for two equals in harmony, rose quartz for pure, honest love. The first bead is Eros the Lover, who meets the second bead, Psyche the Lover. Through their meeting they become the 3rd and 4th beads: Eros the Loved and Psyche the Loved. They leave the Honeymoon phase, as Psyche's sisters sew doubt in her heart, passing them into the Dark Night of Doubt. Two black river stones, representing shadowy secrets and flowing tears follow, representing each Lover in their fear before the Lamp is turned on. The illuminating, harshly honest light of the Lamp is represented by a gold-dyed real freshwater pearl at the fulcrum of their relationship and the very center of the prayer beads. Though the light is on, they move into Psyche's Trials and the readjustment period when they learn to fit together as their True Selves, shown here as 2 more black river stones. Together, each black bead can also be one of the 4 trials of Psyche.

              Finally, they pass into Harmonious Union, where each person is both whole and their True Selves. Eros the Lover and Eros the Loved are the 1st and 2nd bead in this section, the two halves of the whole reunited and standing hand-in-hand with Psyche the Lover and Psyche the Loved, the 3rd and 4th bead. Finally, the prayer beads end with a butterfly, the symbol of Psyche's apotheosis that allows her to confidently stand as Eros's equal. Each bead was wrapped by hand as love songs were sung over them. While they were worked and awoken, they were told the tale of Eros and Psyche as told here to enliven and awaken the prayer beads to connect with Eros and Psyche.

 Large terracotta altar box with carved erotes; the included offerings are laid out in front of it

Cupid's Chorus - Beloved Lovers Altar Box
Grand Vintage Altar to Eros & Psyche

Part of our Beloved Lovers collection, Cupid’s Chorus is our largest, most elaborate altar box to the Divine Couple. The box itself is made of terracotta and decorated with a chorus of Erotes. It is made in terracotta, unglazed on the outside but glazed inside. It is in excellent condition, with no chips or cracks. Likely made in the 1980s by Tommasina’s Gifts NY and imported from Italy.

This box contains all offerings available in our other Beloved Lovers altar boxes, with a few additional pieces that are exclusively included in this version:

  • Lover Birds glass cube: a vintage glass cube with the Lover Birds encased in the center; they are depicted as two swans touching beaks with a heart between them. This vintage piece includes an imperfection, a visible bubble in one corner despite the outside being completely smooth to the touch: the human imperfections Love makes whole
  • Trials of Psyche:  4 offerings that represent the trials of Psyche. A bronze-tone coin depicting wheat represents her first trial where she must sort huge piles of grain, while a large bottle of wool with gold leaf represents the golden fleece she must gather in her second trial. Her third trial is depicted with a vintage miniature amphora, representing the vessel she uses to gather water from the rivers of the Underworld. Her final trial, where she must collect Persephone's beauty cream, is represented by a charcoal dog skull for Cerberus, who guards the entrance to the Underworld.
  • La Mano dell’Amore (The Hand of Love) keychain amulet: This amulet features the Hand of Love, here depicted holding a ring, with charms representing the Lovers. Eros's hand holds a wing, heart, arrow, and lantern for Eros, with the lantern representing the lamp Psyche lights to see each other truly. Psyche's hand holds a butterfly, a prismatic glass teardrop for both her tears and the apotheosis they lead to, a lantern, and a heart. These charms have had love songs sung over them and the tale of Eros and Psyche whispered to them as they were made. With movement, they ring like bells, singing to you of the respect required for an honest, loving relationship. Both hands hang together from a gold-tone key ring with a lobster claw attachment as a keychain
  • Vintage Psyche brooch: A hand-painted vintage wooden brooch, with pin for use on the back side. The front features beveled edges, revealing the inner layers of wood, and a hand-painted surface. The image depicts a butterfly (the symbol of Psyche the Goddess) landing among a collection of flowers, highlighted with abstract gold swirls on a black background. 
  • Carved Dalmatian Jasper Butterfly: A carved crystal depiction of a butterfly, the symbol of Psyche’s apotheosis to the status of goddess. It is carved here from dalmatian jasper

Vintage Eros Altar Decor

Chalkware hanging statue depicting Eros holding a lyre, handmade by A. Giannelli
Signed Alabaster Statue
Handmade by A. Giannelli
In our collection of vintage altar decor to Eros, we have two hanging chalkware statues of Eros handmade and signed by alabaster sculptor A. Giannelli. One shows Eros holding and strumming a lyre, while the other shows him holding a trumpet. Italian artist A. Giannelli is an alabaster sculptor who worked out of his own studio in Italy roughly between the 1940s-1980s. Every piece he made was worked by hand, per his company's website, and his signature is visible on the garment Eros wears in both statues.

A blue jasperware bud vase with a bas-relief of Eros in white, made by Wedgwood
Wedgwood Bud Vase
This bud vase is a blue jasperware Wedgwood Collectible, circa 1970s with ivy patterns on two sides that divide it in half. It includes an authentic stamping on the back reading "Wedgwood Made In England." This series depicted Eros in different seasons between the ivy dividers. This vase shows Eros in Autumn and Winter. On one side, he is standing on a stalk of wheat, with a sickle in one hand and shorn wheat in the other, representing the Fall harvest. On the other side, Eros stands on a barren branch, devoid of leaves or evergreen needles, warming his hands over a fire perched beside him on the branch, representing Winter. 
Wedgwood blue jasperware plate showing The Infant Academy artwork in bas-relief
Wedgwood 'Infant Academy' Plates
We have two 'Infant  Academy' blue jasperware Wedgwood oval plates, with a mounting bracket for hanging. Both include an authentic stamping on the back reading "Wedgwood Made In England." Each depicts a group of Erotes, where one is painting the others who are modeling, surrounded by a floral design with a rose motif. The design, made in white bas-relief, is from the 1781 painting "The Infant Academy" by Sir Joshua Reynolds, a family friend of Josiah Wedgwood and his wife. The painting was modeled by William Hackwood in 1785 for a collection of plates and vases produced circa 1785-1795. Reynolds, the original artist, wrote a certificate of admiration and approval for the Portland Vase released in this collection in 1790. The historic original design of this place is housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These particular plates are part of the 1999 limited edition re-release of this historic design. 

Eros Spell Kits

white majolica bottle with two cupids carved on the front
Eros 'Open Heart'
Sensory Spell Bottle
Our Eros 'Open Heart' sensory spell bottles are housed in two vintage heart-shaped bottles, each filled with a floral blend made in devotion to Eros and prayed over to help open your heart to both yourself and your Loved Ones. 
We have two bottles available: Carved Cupid and Heart’s Window.
  • Our Carved Cupid bottle is made of white majolica ceramic and originally created by Designs by Hope in 1994. The front of the bottle shows two Erotes in relief, one handing the other a rose while the other claps his hands together in surprised delight. Between them is a small potted plant and a heart that begins the decorative frame around the edge of the bottle. It can be opened and closed with a cork at the top.
  • Our Heart’s Window bottle a made of glass with a cork at the top to open and close it. It has a small square base to stand solidly and a wide circular mouth where the cork fits. The glass has been tinted red, yet has faded on one flat face of the heart. This viewing window allows the contents to be seen Truly, without any filter or tint from the rose-colored glass. 
These bottles have been packed with a blend of herbs handcrafted in devotion to Eros as part of the working, including rose petals, pomegranate peel, and sustainably foraged Scotch Broom. They have been prayed over as they were blended, asking Eros for his blessing of wisdom, understanding, and empathy: necessary qualities for a healthy, loving relationship rooted in honesty and respect. The herbs were awoken with prayer, asked to share their wisdom and work with each other to open the heart of each bottle’s recipient. 
Each bottle was first purified with a blend of cleansing waters. As the mixture was blended and packed inside, we prayed to Eros and the herbs, asking for their blessing and aid in opening the heart of whoever these pieces goes to. We prayed that Eros might grant you the strength and courage to allow yourself to be Known, even when it is terrifying, as he was terrified when Psyche first lit the Lamp. We prayed that as you let yourself be Known, you would open your Heart to fully and fearlessly Know your Loved Ones, romantic or otherwise. It takes a great deal of courage to share our Shadow Selves, scariest parts of ourselves we pretend aren't there, to anyone; including both ourselves those we're closest to. It takes as much courage to meet the Shadow Selves of our Loved Ones with a truly Open Heart. More than courage, we must have wisdom, understanding, and empathy—without them, how would we be able to hear our Loved Ones without Judgment, the way we'd want them to hear us? 
These spell bottles are designed to open your heart: to allow you to know your Loved Ones and be truly known, accepted, and loved in return. As Psyche needed courage to light the lamp, as Eros needed courage to lean into the Light, these bottles are workings to give us the courage to Open our Hearts. Work with it when you want to deepen a relationship, be vulnerable, take a chance on someone, trust your loved one with the most tender parts of you. Work with it for the wisdom and understanding to lovingly receive the open hearts of your Loved Ones, to hear them without judgment, and to handle their heart as tenderly as you’d have them handle yours.
Eros is deeply connected to sensuality and experiencing the world through the senses. This working is rooted in those sensory experiences, especially through touch, sight, and scent. In this working, you'll engage touch with the texture of the bottle, sight through close inspection of the bottle and its contents, and scent through the perfume of the floral offering inside. To begin working with your bottle, pick it up and focus on the feeling of its texture beneath your fingers. 
  • For our Carved Cupid bottle, focus on the relief etched in the bottle. One Cupid is taking a chance to trust the other with their heart, extending a rose. The recipient doesn't hide their delight, trusting that the gift is given in earnest. Both Erotes are able to meet each other with earnest, fearless delight and open hearts. Take a moment to imagine both sides of the exchange: what it would feel like to fearlessly offer your heart to another and to fearlessly receive the heart of another. 
  • For our Heart’s Window bottle, feel the texture of the smooth glass beneath your hands. Explore the shape and curves of the bottle with your fingers. Peer through the window to see the Heart’s contents truly, setting aside rose-colored glasses. Accept the truth of the contents inside, whatever they may be, with all the shadows between each petal—as you’d have your Loved Ones accept all your shadows without judgment. Take a moment to consider what it would be like to open a window in your closed heart, allowing your Loved Ones to peer inside and see your True Self. Take another moment to imagine cradling the Tender Heart of your Loved Ones and, with their permission, gazing inside to see their True Self. Imagine the relief of being seen, accepted, and loved for your True Self, and giving that same gift to your Loved Ones. 
With your heart open, hold the bottle securely between two hands and shake it. Sometimes, an open heart feels like endless excitement at the potential you see ahead: shake the bottle, putting your excitement into the petals through shared motion. Other times, an open heart means being honest with our fears about what might be coming down the road: cradle the bottle gently between cupped hands and rock it gently, comforting your tender heart. When it feels like the bottle and your heart are in harmony, feeling the same feelings, open the cork. Whisper either your hopes or your fears around opening your heart into the bottle. Pray to Eros for the courage to Open our Heart and the wisdom to handle the Open Hearts of others with tender hands. Inhale the scent of the potpourri inside the bottle; do this until you feel ready to continue your day with an Open Heart. Kiss the bottle gently as a reminder of your love before setting it down and moving forward. 
Please note that this mixture is NOT SAFE to burn or consume internally in any way. Scotch Broom is toxic when inhaled or injected.
antique champagne flute with salted rim and pink cocktail contained withinThe etching depicting Eros on the antique glassware included in the drink kit
Eros Ambrosia
Self-Love Potion Kit w/Antique Glassware
Our Eros Self-Love Potion Kits include 1 antique crystal glass depicting Eros in etching on the side, a handmade amulet for the glass, a physical copy of the recipe for a cocktail/mocktail to fill your cup, and a blessed salt mixture to salt the rim of the glass. 
In your kit, you'll receive one antique champagne/tall sherbet glass; each is made by Heisey in their discontinued Renaissance pattern released circa 1918-1939. They measure 5.5in tall by 3.75in wide. Each one is able to sing when you run a damp finger around the edge. 
Each delicate glass sits atop a dainty stem and is etched along the side. Eros is depicted sitting on a branch, his wings visible on his back, while a bird flies above his head—doves in particular were a symbol of Love, calling in his mother Aphrodite and his own feathered wings. This image, repeated thrice around the glass, sits inside an ornate frame. Dripping from the frame are various flowers; this motif is repeated in the floral garland that connects Eros with the Lamp that stands between each depiction. The Lamp appears like an ancient chandelier, hanging oil lamp, or censer, with additional floral filigree dangling beneath it. When Psyche lit her Lamp, Eros’s shadows were revealed not only to her but also himself. Coming to accept those shadows not only let them love each other Truly, but allowed Eros to love those shadowy parts of himself as well. It is called in here as a symbol of self-love for Eros sitting on his own in the branches.
Each antique glass comes with a handmade amulet that can be fastened around the stem of the glass. Every amulet features one real freshwater pearl framed on either side by a chip of rose quartz. The freshwater pearl is irregular in shape, as are the rose quartz chips, to teach us to recognize our beauty–not in spite of our imperfections, but because of them. Pearls are formed when grit gets under the shell of a mollusk, when the potentially harmful irritant is slowly transformed into a thing of beauty. It is a symbol of the transformative power of self-love, that we can turn even that which is intended to harm us into something beautiful and precious. Rose quartz calls in soft, pure, tender, honest love; the kind of gentle affection we often need to extend to ourselves to heal the hurts in our heart. The rose quartz and pearl are strung on a gold-tone stainless steel chain that can be easily removed to clean the glass with the lobster clasp at the back. Attached to the clasp is a vintage brass heart, for our tender heart we’re nurturing with this working.
Included in your kit is also a 0.7oz packet of blessed self-love salt, made with pink Himalayan salt and rose petals. Both elements were ground by hand by your local tricksters, gently and lovingly combined and prayed over for Eros’s blessing. Salt is included to purify and neutralize self-doubt and self-loathing; pink salt is especially well-suited for doing this gently. It is also a grounding element, bringing us softly back to the present moment to see how things truly stand right now: not through rose-colored glasses or the film of our own fear. Rose petals remind us that we each have our own unique beauty and that we both can and should defend ourselves if people try to take, taint, or tarnish it. Both the salt and rose petals were awoken as part of their consecration, each taught the work being asked of them and how to work together harmoniously toward that end. The salt was prayed over for Eros’s blessing, that he may soften and fade self-doubt and nurture self-love.
Each kit also comes with a printed copy of the recipe for our Eros self-love cocktail/mocktail. Three variations of this recipe are included, so you can alter the alcohol content to suit your needs or mood that day. This recipe pairs with our self-love candles to Aphrodite and La Sirena, with the scent of the candles echoed in the potion’s flavors. Like our candles, this potion centers around apple, rose, citrus, and salt, with an added dash of pomegranate for underworld wisdom and empathy. Apple is for the luscious experience of both being and feeling beautiful. Rose and salt are included for the reasons discussed above. Citrus, here represented by lemon, is for purifying levity and joyful cleansing, to lighten sorrows and self-doubts and raise them to where they may be swept away by the salty sea breeze. This drink recipe includes instructions for a simple syrup inspired by attar, a syrup often used in Middle Eastern deserts. Our version is made with honey, rose water, orange blossom water, and lemon juice. Honey is for sweetness and as an offering, to both ourselves and Eros. Rose water calls in the self-love and self-respect of the rose. Orange blossom water is for uplifting joy and lightheartedness. Lemon juice is for purifying levity.
Eros is a sensuous god, who is potently connected with and accessed through our sensory experiences. This working engages all of our senses, that we may awaken each to self-love with indulgence. As you make your drink, focus closely on your senses. Clear your mind as best you are able, focusing less on thinking and more on experiencing. Look closely at how the light reflects off different elements of the glass. Appreciate its beauty in every stage of the process: sitting empty, with only a salted rim, with the drink inside, the difference the garnish makes. Admire its beauty, and remember that you, too, are lovely in every stage. 
Listen closely to the sounds as you craft your potion. Make the glass sing as you wash it. Listen to the crunch of the salt as you apply it to the rim. Hear how the syrup bubbles, like excitement and joy boiling over. Stop to smell the ingredients and consider what each scent brings out in you: the stinging zip of the alcohol’s fumes, the joyful brightness of the lemon, the deep luxury of the pomegranate. Linger over the steaming pot of the syrup to appreciate the scent wafting off in its vapors. Top to taste each ingredient and become familiar with how they taste on their own. Try to pick out each individual flavor when they’re combined harmoniously in the end. Run your fingers over the glass, feeling the etching beneath your fingers, the angles and curves of the stem in your hand. Notice how the salted rim feels against your lips, and how it contrasts with the feeling of the rose petals. 
With your attention focused on your senses, go about preparing your drink. As you do so, pray for Eros to help diminish your self-doubts until they fade away into nothing, replaced instead by ever-growing self-love.
The physical copy of the full drink recipe is included with each kit. 
As a thank you for reading this far, we've included a digital version of our Eros Ambrosia self-love potion recipe. May he bless you with an open heart and your love returned as freely as it's given.
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