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The Trickster's Apothecary

Fae of the Sky Rosary/Pagan Prayer Beads

Fae of the Sky Rosary/Pagan Prayer Beads

Regular price $107.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $107.00 USD
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This rosary is handmade in honor of the Fae of the Sky. Across cosmologies and cultures, there are many little but sacred spirits that we refer to under the umbrella term of Fae. However and whenever they appear, they are hard to categorize. They are tied to the land, but not genii loci. They are ancestors, but not necessarily deceased humans. They are divine, but stand apart from the gods. In Norse tradition, they are the elves, dwarves, hulderfolk. In Celtic tradition, they are the Sidhe, the Twyleth Teg, the Seelie and Unseelie alike. They are the satyrs, nymphs, fauns, and sirens of the Mediterranean. Their names are endless and they appear differently in every cosmology, but they always seem to appear, holding a holy middle ground between humanity and the gods.

In our practice, we refer to the Fae of the Sky and the Fae of the Mound. The Fae of the Sky are often linked with the stars and Ouranic realms; they include the ljossalfar (light elves) and Seelie Court, for example. The Fae of the Mound are often linked with the ancestors and Chthonic realms; they include the dokkalfar (dark elves) and Unseelie Court, to name only a few. 

This rosary is dedicated to the Fae of the Sky, for those hoping to establish a relationship with these spirits or deepen an existing relationship with them. It includes 4 sections of 7 ash wood beads, with 7 being a traditionally Ouranic number and Ash wood being associated with the Fae Otherworld. Between each section are handmade beads with moss and copper leaf: moss represents the forested realms the fae often call home, while copper is traditionally one of the few metals the fae tolerate. The center piece includes a handmade coin with the same materials. The vertical section includes three ash wood beads framed by more moss-and-copper beads, leading to a handmade pendant with a real preserved ivy leaf. Ivy is can be found in civilization and the wilderness alike, but always exists in a liminal space as it clings to buildings and trees alike.

The section worn around the neck measures 27 inches, while the vertical section measures 9.5 inches from the top of the cross piece to the bottom of the pendant. 

There are a variety of metals included in this piece, including: gold-tone stainless steel, lead and nickel free gold-tone alloy, gold plated iron, and gold plated brass. These metals can tarnish with use, though this can be avoided with care. To avoid tarnishing, avoid contact with liquids whenever possible and let any cosmetics, lotions, or perfumes/colognes dry completely before putting on your necklace. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Keeping your jewelry in a sealed container, such as a jewelry box or plastic bag, can prevent tarnishing by limiting exposure to air, sunlight, heat, and moisture. This is best done if air is pushed out of any plastic bag before sealing and with something included to remove moisture, such as a silica pack or anti-tarnish strip. This is not an exhaustive list of anti-tarnish measures, nor are these measures a guarantee that tarnishing will not occur when worn.

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