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The Trickster's Apothecary

Kali Hanging Statue Hand Carved and Hand Painted

Kali Hanging Statue Hand Carved and Hand Painted

Regular price $57.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $57.00 USD
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Our Kali Ma hanging statue is hand-carved and hand-painted by your local trickster spirits here at the Trickster's Apothecary. She is rendered with a traditional crown with glowing red halo behind her head. Her tongue is out stretched from between her fangs, and she is bedecked in finery as is fitting this fierce goddess. She's depicted with four of her traditional symbols, each held in one of her arms. In one hand, she holds an upraised, curved sword, while beneath it she holds her sacred incense censer. In her other hands, she holds the severed head of a demon she helped to slay by drinking its blood, which she collects in a bowl held in her other hand; when this creature's blood touched the ground, copies of him arose, making Kali's drinking vital to his ending. Around her neck, she wears her traditional garland of skulls. In this version, Kali wears a red sari beneath her wild, curling hair. This piece is made with bonded charcoal, creating a black figure. When against a solid surface, the background of this item appears a solid black, but when held to the light, it's possible to see whisps of 'smoke' created by the charcoal, calling in her sacred cremation grounds. Her details are painted in red and gold to further call in the cremation grounds and the hues of the fire found there. Each statuette includes an attachment on the back to easily be hung from a nail on a wall.

This piece measures 3.75 x 3.75 x 0.5 inches.

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