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The Trickster's Apothecary

Queer Ancestor Work Class

Queer Ancestor Work Class

Regular price $25.00 USD
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The Trickster's Apothecary will be holding an introductory course on Queer Ancestor Work October 27, 2024 from 5-6:30PM PST both digitally and live at Observer's Rock Shop and Bookstore in Albany, OR. Tickets can be purchased here to attend live or through Zoom. One of your local tricksters will be moderating the chat for questions and to address any audio/visual concerns that may arise. A recording of the class will be made available after the event; we ask that you provide your email address in the appropriate field upon check-out so that the file can be emailed to you. 

This class will include an invocation of the queer ancestors at the beginning of the class, followed by an introduction to working with queer ancestors both in your bloodline and outside of it. This class will be approximately an hour long, with a half hour guided meditation immediately after, for a total of 1.5 hours. This guided meditation will take you down into your internal depths, to your Ancestral Tree, to open your heart to your queer ancestors and meet those who'd like to work with you. After the meditation, light snacks will be provided to help ground folx before they carry on with their night. We encourage digital attendees to grab themselves a salty snack afterward for the same purpose!

A working altar devoted to the queer ancestors will be set up in the back of the class. This will be arranged by your local tricksters but will include space for folx to bring their own offerings. This can include photos of queer ancestors you'd like to honor, relevant items you'd like charged to work with queer ancestors going forward, as well as items once treasured by queer loved ones who have since passed on (their photos included!). There will also be an offering bowl of water with floating candles available for folx to light in honor of the queer ancestors. In addition, there will be a second bowl available with sand to nestle your lit offering candle in according to your preference. Your local tricksters would be thrilled to light a candle for any digital attendees as well!

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