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The Trickster's Apothecary

The Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore and Mieke Janssens

The Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore and Mieke Janssens

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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The Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore and Mieke Janssens. This 78-card deck has been gently used and loved before it was made available to us by its previous owner who no longer connected with it. We offer it here that it may continue to be used, loved, and honored by another practitioner instead of falling into neglect. The deck has been thoroughly cleansed and consulted with to ensure it approves of being connected with a new home.

All cards are accounted for and in good condition. It is housed in its original box and includes its guidebook. Above is a sample reading performed with the deck; we asked it to call its best home with the reading. If the cards drawn speak to your path, this deck may be calling to you, asking to be brought into your home.

This deck is available as part of our Rehoming Program, designed to help the tools of witchcraft and paganism that were not a perfect fit for their original owner find a new home where they may be treasured once again. We take care to ensure that all decks are cleansed and have their hearts open to be worked with by new practitioners. Practitioners take a risk with each new tool they get for their practice, as not every piece will be a perfect fit for them. Folx may not have other practitioners they know in their area to gift these pieces to; we offer this service to help these pieces find new, loving homes rather than be sent to a thrift store to potentially never be worked with or honored again. Thank you for your consideration of these gently used tools of the craft!

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